I think I've pissed myself

Oh, the irony!

If you believe the research from the University of Manchester, Chinese students are afraid to study in the UK because they fear the high death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic.

UK universities are worried because money.

But the general population should welcome the reduced influx of fetid pestilence vectors from the home of the plague.

Of course, it could simply be that countries such as the UK are more honest in reporting pandemic-related deaths than the Chinese authorities. But, if Chinese students are so stupid that they actually believe President Pooh's statistics, then they don't belong in a decent educational establishment in the first place. Other than to clean the toilets, that is.

Money or not, the UK isn't the USA!

The research also suggests that parents in China were more concerned about the safety of their children from coronavirus [than political political tensions over Huawei and Hong Kong]. The FUCKING NERVE of those arseholes, the Chongvirus is of their country's very own making. If the academic institutions weren't so desperate that they'd bend over and grab their ankles for the Chinese yen, they'd tell the filfthy slime to fuck off and keep their pestilential spawn out of the country! (mad)