What's that smell?

What's the difference between 35 and 22?

Investigative news magazine 60 Minutes Australia questions whether OzGov is being sold a pup, in the shape of the Joint Strike Fighter programme's Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. The Aussie defence minister comes across as an arrogant prick, with a smug you-just-have-to-accept-I-know-what's-best demeanour, while a former senior RAAF leader waxes lyrical over his preference for the F-22 Raptor.

But neither 60 Minutes Australia's Liam Bartlett nor Air Vice-Marshal Peter Criss (retd) explain why the F-22 should be considered operationally superior to the F-35, when it's actually thirteen less. I think most of us would expect the JSF to be thirteen better. (pipe)