Will this madness never end?

A brothel is a brothel is a brothel

Yet another garbage-tier conference at which my presence is expected. This time, it's Gynec-2022.

Clearly, they expect my presence because I'll be a speaker. What I don't understand is who would want to hear my expert thoughts on gynaecology? They could visit a porn site and learn more than I have to offer. (oldman)

I'm beginning to think that 150 South Wacker Drive #2400, Chicago, IL might not be too different to 820 El Camino Real, CA. A brothel by any other name would smell of sweat.

From: Gynec 2022 <gynecology@intl-congress.com>
Subject: Your presence is expected
Good day. Hope you are having a great week. We extend a warm invitation to join our signature event “Global Conference on Gynecology & Womens Health” which will take place as a hybrid event at Orlando, USA and virtually during October 27-29 and will be focused on the theme Enriching Women’s Health Through Innovations in Gynaecology. We value your expertise and invite you to express your thoughts at this event by speaking directly to the attendees as a Speaker. For further details related to the event visit: Conference Website The ultimate purpose of the congress is to convene people at the forefront which includes researchers, scientists, academicians, and young scholars to discuss and share information in the rapidly evolving field. Scientific sessions are arranged in such a way that each attendee will be able to learn things at the highest level possible during the meeting, since we are extremely conscious of the relevance of research in Gynecology. Along with sharing and gaining information, the global summit provides a space for communication in which everyone is free to connect and contribute to the establishment of new international collaborations. The conference's organizing committee has put together a fruitful programme that will allow attendees to develop new relationships, expand their networks, and examine current and future research possibilities. As a positive acknowledgement from your side, please tell us the title of your talk. Contact me at + 1 (702) 988-2320 or gynecology@scientific-meetings.com if you have any queries or require clarification. We wish you a fruitful and enjoyable experience at Gynec-2022. Warm Regards Laura Oliveira Program Manager | Gynec-2022 Email: gynecology@scientific-meetings.com Phone: + 1 (702) 988-2320 WhatsApp: +1 (540) 709-1879 -------------------------------- 150 South Wacker Drive #2400 Chicago, IL 60606, USA Disclaimer: If you don't want to receive any further emails from us, please respond back with remove/opt out or click to Unsubscribe

A brothel to a rose

A rose is a rose is a rose

Sacred Emily, Gertrude Stein

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare