This is my truth

A Windows on the future

Tomorrow sees the rollout of Windows 11, as a free upgrade, to the great unwashed. That's those of us who're too apathetic, or wrapped up in having a real life, to have installed the previews.

The minimum requirements include a type of security chip - called a TPM - only installed on modern computers. "If your device does not meet these requirements, you may not be able to install Windows 11 on your device and might want to consider purchasing a new PC," Microsoft says. … But users already running Windows 10 do not need to go to this expense if the computer is still working. Windows 10 will continue to be supported and receive security updates until October 2025.

BBC News droid

You will have to buy a new computer in 2025, though. Or will you?

I have a sneaking suspicion that many users won't bother. They'll continue to run Windows 10 without security updates, for they don't understand and they don't give a shit. And why should they? A computer is just a thing that they purchase to do stuff.

In some countries—[cough] India [cough]—cheap is all that matters. That's how botnets get started in the first place. Innit?

That will be fun! And you read it here first, kids.

It seems that M$ will allow you to run Windows 11 without a TPM 2.0 chip, after all. Your computer does, however, need to have the older TPM 1.2 chip installed. This assumes that you know what, if any, TPM chip is installed in the first place. Or how to find out.

You also need to edit the Windows registry. Hahahahahaha! (explode)

I really cannot see Mr Arjun Singh, WeScamU Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, giving a flying fuck. Either about TPM, or his computers being used as part of a botnet. Shitbag, he probably avails himself of botnets already. (SMH)