I think I've pissed myself

Back to office

My first day back in the office since April 2020. Two years since I was last here, and I'd like to say it's good to be back. But it really isn't.

I am so bored. And tired. I'd forgotten how this building saps my strength.

During my time away, the powers that be played musical chairs with the office allocation. This means that I'm no longer on the thirteenth floor; but I'm not superstitious, so that's no biggie. Other than my bird's-eye view from the window, the only thing of importance that went missing during the move was my computer mouse. I'd happily use my laptop's trackpad, except it's flaky, and the docking station has been located to the left of the monitor, while I'm right-handed.

Probably the only other downside is that I have no network access. But it's only six hours since I put in an IT request, so I can't expect miracles, I guess.

The bucktoothed corporate gift fairy has been a-visiting (sad)

The other event that occurred during my absence was, of course, the company's transition from MegaCorpCH to InstantlyForgettableNameCorp. And, to mark this auspicious event, the kind of bucktoothed retard who considers sweets and biscuits to be a suitable Christmas gift for grown adults has been at it again.

This time, I found an activity tracker and a company-branded lanyard on my desk, awaiting my arrival. A lanyard: those name holders that ageing, white, corporate arseholes wear around their necks. Well, I may be ageing, white, and corporate, but even I'm not that much of an arsehole. On the other hand, I guess it could act as an aide-memoire. (wink)

I wonder how much money was wasted on soddin' activity trackers, of all things? I might sound ungrateful, but there's a world of difference between an activity tracker and an iPad. (grumpy)