I think I've pissed myself

Dead or alive

BBC home page:Former Indian MP shot dead live on TV
BBC home page

It confused me at first, until I mentally added a comma between dead and live. (LOL)

Still, the victim sounds like a real sack of shit, even for a politician.

After Atiq Ahmed's assassination, a politician opened his mouth.

"No mafia can spread terror in Uttar Pradesh anymore," Yogi Adityanath, chief minister of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled Uttar Pradesh, said days after the murder. He didn't mention Ahmed directly.

Soutik Biswas and Vikas Pandey, BBC News India

It would've been kinda redundant for him to name Ahmed specifically though, since he was now dead, and unlikely to be spreading terror anywhere. At least not on this temporal plane. Innit? (rolleyes)