It's all gone to shit

Delicate sensibilities of trivial celebrities

Through nothing other than abject boredom, I started reading Laura Martin's The difficulties facing Hollywood super-producer Ryan Murphy’s TV empire on BBC Culture. At almost 2000 words, it's quite long for what it is. And it's not as interesting as I first thought, especially since I've seen none of Murphy's work. Consequently, I didn't finish reading it; but I did get far enough in to learn that black transgender actress Angelica Ross had a hissy fit on set over a crew member who was operating the vehicle she had to drive on camera wearing a racist T-shirt every day.

Was that one and the same T-shirt? He must've positively reeked! (ewww)

No further details are given in Martin's recount, but her source for this revelation, an interview that Ross gave to The Hollywood Reporter, was more forthcoming:

There was a crewmember who was operating my vehicle that I had to drive on camera, so he’s right outside my windshield and every day he was wearing a racist T-shirt. Like? One day it was, “BUILD THAT WALL.” The next day it was white praying hands in front of an American flag, and it said, “I DON’T KNEEL.” Those are the ones I remember. This guy had a collection. I started speaking up about it.

Angelica Ross talking to Seth Ambramovitch, Angelica Ross Spills All on Emma Roberts, Ryan Murphy and Hollywood Future: “This Is Not My First Time at the Rodeo”, The Hollywood Reporter

Which, in my privileged white European opinion, sets a pretty low bar for anti-Blackness and racism.

At least he didn't wear a T-shirt proclaiming CHOPPING YOUR DICK OFF DOESN'T MAKE YOU A WOMAN; otherwise, presumably, she would've remembered it. So be thankful for small mercies, Angie. (snowflake) (kiss)

Elsewhere in her interview, Ross claimed that actress Emma Roberts misgendered her, while at the same time saying I know Emma’s got big balls. Bloody hypocrite. (LOLZ)