Everyday thoughts, but not every day


I was sent a job description for a consulting company called Evalueserve, a company that I'd never heard of before. The job is to be located in the UK; except Evalueserve doesn't have a UK office.

Its headquarters are located in Switzerland, with country offices in Chile (1); China (1); Germany (1); USA (2); Netherlands (1); UAE (1); Egypt (1); Romania (2); and…India (5). Although, from the addresses, many of those offices sound like they could be small, sole-occupancy, or even mailboxes. The order in which I've listed them is the same as that in which they appear on the contacts page. The country with most offices appears last, rather than nestled alphabetically between Germany and Netherlands; almost as if to not draw attention.

The Swiss HQ is located at Bahnhofstrasse 10, Zug, above a supermarket. Zug is often used by companies as a place of presence in Switzerland, for tax purposes.

Half of its fourteen executive team members—including CEO, COO, and CTO—are Indian.

Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but it all has the sense of a shady Indian company trying to appear more substantial and credible, by having offices/mailboxes across the globe. And not being headquartered in India. (thinking)