What's that smell?

Global trusted urinalism

Popup box: “Join the BBC community to support global trusted journalism. Create a free BBC account.”This is my opportunity to support the world's most trusted international news broadcaster™ as it reports on stories from around the world fairly, impartially and without fear or favour. Cute.

Actually, this pop-up routinely pops up as I traverse the the People's Republic of Portland Place's news site, but I have no idea what the point is, other than data acquisition. Joining the BBC community simply allows one to comment on the few articles that are opened to it. And those are largely inundated with the same old, same old whinging from the republic's Trotskyite adherents.

How does this actually, factually support global trusted journalism? And where would one go to find it? (confused)

I guess I should acknowledge that the BBC has, in the past, only claimed to be the world's most trusted international news broadcaster, not its most trustworthy. The devil's in the details. Innit?