The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Heads will roll

photo of Dr Tracey St Julian, a black woman Premiere Women's Gyn
Dr Tracey St Julian: She has nothing against black people. In fact, some of her best friends…

Shocking news from Southern Regional Medical Center—not Southern Regional Hospital [sic] as Ruth Comerford would have us believe—in Georgia. During a difficult birth that took place there, obstetrician Dr Tracey St Julian is alleged to have used such force that she decapitated the baby. Yeuch!

Obviously, lawyers are involved, as the parents are suing everyone in sight. But Ruth throws in this little observation with absolutely no qualification or explanation: The couple's lawyers have said the case highlights the higher rates of infant mortality for black women. I'm not sure what point it is that they're trying to make, other than lawyers being lawyers. (vultures)

Are they implying that Dr St Julian offered a lower level of care because she doesn't think black people deserve better? Because it just looks like they're trying to frame this tragedy within a wider racial grift.

Of probably greater concern are allegations that the nursing staff took steps to cover up the incident, including wrapping the baby's body in a blanket and propping his head up to make it look like it was still attached. Yes, I did laugh, but only because it reminded me of Monty Python's parrot. (embarrassed)

Although I guess it could be submitted as a case report to one of the plethora of predatory OB/GYN webcomics…(thinking)