And it's come to this

Journalism 404

For those unfamiliar with the matter, Kotaku is a garbage-tier gaming site that employs urinalists in place of journalists. From what I can determine, the webzine isn't taken seriously among gamers—who are presumably its target audience—for several reasons, not limited to the quality of the writing, or lack thereof, and staffers' apparent obsession with politics over gaming.

Unsurprisingly, most gamers appear to reject politics being introduced into their hobby. I guess they believe that playing games is meant to be fun, and the best way of sucking the fun out of anything is to bring politics into it. Who'd've thunk it? (shrug)

Harking back to a minor incident a year ago—although it's only one of several cases in which Kotaku's journalist standards could be called into question—the organisers of MAGFest decided to have a little joke at the webzine's expense. And I think it's rather clever.

Not everyone was amused though. The tiny whinies—predominantly fellow urinalists—on Twitter cried bitter tears, which made the whole thing funnier. Unfortunately, rather than facing up to the whingers and encouraging them to learn to take a joke, the organisers bent over and grabbed their ankles, before taking the sign down. (slowhandclap)

But the evidence is already out, for everyone else to enjoy.

Kotaku was, I believe, funded with venture capital during the tech explosion, and subsists on ad revenue. Like Buzzfeed, it's not long for this world.