The drains have backed up again

Keeping their religion

BBC home page: The trans Muslims trying to secure their futureThe BBC's home page teases what appears to be a story of Muslims transitioning to other faiths. Possibly ones that show greater tolerance; which hardly narrows the field really.

More mundanely, however, Trisha Husada and Silvano Hajid Maulana's article relates the struggles of Muslim men who want to become Muslim women in Indonesia. Although, given how Muslim women are even more disenfranchised than their infidel sisters, they'd have to be above-average bonkers, even for a trannie, to want a piece of that action. (pipe)

Given Islam's disdain for female equality and LGBTQIABC+FLAPFLAPFLAP issues, the Indonesian T community have to be genuinely gender dysphoric, rather than playing to the current vogue like Dylan Mulvaney and his fellow soshull meejah clowns.