All's not what it seems

Nepo babies

Gwyneth Paltrow protests that the nepo baby label is an ugly moniker, and that children of famous people shouldn't be judged negatively. For what it's worth, I think they should be judged on their personal merits, and demerits, just like anyone else.

But for her part, Lily Allen had in the past—at the back end of last year, when X was still Twitter—engaged her mighty intellect to weigh in with her views on the matter:

The nepo babies y’all should be worrying about are the ones working for legal firms,the ones working for banks,and the ones working in politics, If we’re talking about real world consequences and robbing people of opportunity. BUT that’s none of my business.

Lily Allen, Twitter

The nepo babies working in banks, law firms, and politics aren't throwing it in our faces though, doing the big I am on social media and in mainstream media coverage. They fly under the radar, unless they take up the mantle of dynastic despot, or use their unearned birthright to impose their blithering stupidity on their subjects. They're not rubbing the noses of the hoi poloi in the shit of their privilege; assuaging their guilt with their fucking #activism; and, from their lofty station, admonishing us mere proletarians to do better.

Nepo babies largely get ridiculed when their status is brought to public attention, Lily.

Lily Allen is herself a bargain basement nepo baby, born of two largely so what? nonentities, and possessing a media profile and a sassy attitude that far outweigh her mediocre talents. Despite her grating and pretentious use of y'all, she hails from London, England, not Baton Rouge, Louisiana.