Will this madness never end?

Pervy politicos

William Wragg, one of Westminster's politicos caught up in a honeytrap plot, has resigned the Conservative Party whip, after admitting being blackmailed into divulging colleagues' phone numbers.

The 36-year-old's departure from the Conservative parliamentary party is quite a downfall for a man who until Monday night was the vice-chair of the 1922 committee, which brings together all backbench MPs in the party.

Hannah Miller and Kate Whannel, BBC News

It's ironic that he's had to give up his position of vice-chair because of a sexting scandal though. You'd think they'd want to retain him, what with his hands-on experience.

Any thoughts that the honeytrap plot could've been the work of a nation state were laid to rest, when it was revealed that the whole thing started at last year's Liberal Democrats' annual conference.

Targeting the LibDems would have the same political impact as targeting a queue of people waiting for a bus.