It's all gone to shit

Political football

For reasons that are too boring to recount here, a select few top-tier European football clubs are planning an exclusive European Super League. For other reasons, that are similarly too boring, many people are upset by the proposal. A third group cannot give a shit one way or the other; this is a mark of disinterest, not constipation.

Anyhow, the bouncing blonde, UK Prime Minister Boris BoJo Johnson, apparently doesn't have more important issues with which to occupy himself, because he's found the time to wade into the debate. It must be a relief to UK citizens to know that Brexit, the Chongvirus, and economic downturn are so far consigned to history that their illustrious leader has nothing better to do than concern himself over twenty-two tosspots kicking a ball around a field. (clown)

Bill Shankly, former manager of Liverpool Football Club, was apparently talking tongue-in-cheek when he said that football was more important than a matter of life or death. The blonde bombsite seems to have taken his comment at face value. (SMH)

And before it had even started, it's over. We can all return to whatever it was that we were doing.

But what on earth will BoJo find to occupy his time, and that of his carers, now?