The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Predatory review

Peer-review is the process by which a manuscript that's submitted for publication, in an academic journal, is reviewed by experts in the field. If necessary, the reviewers will offer suggestions to improve the paper, and finally a recommendation as to whether or it's suitable for acceptance, or should be rejected. This is pro bono work, done for the sake of academic integrity.

Predatory publishers offer peer-review for their victims' authors' work. And this is another reason why hoes like Laura Harry take a dump in my inbox. In my opinion, however, it's just a charade. The problem here is twofold. Firstly, the quality and importance of the work submitted to these journals is never high—if it were, the authors would be submitting it to a reputable journal—so reviewing it seems like a waste of time, if not an actual threat to intellectual health. Secondly, the chances of an editor, whose organisation is only in it for the money, actually declining a submission, no matter how unworthy, are close to zero. Even if it's otherwise unpublishable garbage, it'll be accepted.

Oh, and this submission is nowhere near my area of expertise, but that's par for the course, of course.

I usually open predators' messages in source view, to avoid activating embedded tracking pixels. Unfortunately, Laura's missive was at the top of my inbox this morning, so it was already open in Outlook's reader panel. The HTML had, therefore, been rendered, and the tracker activated. If she's clued in, never something to be assumed for pondlife like her, then she knows that I have received her request. But, I'm not going to decline her invitation to this charade by reply. I'm just going to leave her hanging on the telephone, as it were.

Oh, wait a minute, that was Debbie Harry.

From: Medpress Gynecology and Obstetrics <>
Reply-To: Medpress Gynecology and Obstetrics <>
Subject: We thought you are right person to review this paper
This is an Article review request from MedPress Publications. By considering your expertise, I am writing this email in hope that you may be able to review our manuscript titled: “Oocyte Donation and Surrogate Pregnancy-Fertility Options and Challenges, Possibilities and Opportunities for a Patient with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome”. If you choose to accept this assignment, kindly reply us ACCEPT. So that our editorial staff will send you the full-length manuscript and the review form for your consideration. Please find the abstract mentioned below. If you are unable to review, please let us know immediately by replying DECLINE. ABSTRACT: We wish to present a very unusual case of an infertility in a known case of complete androgen insensitive syndrome. A 28-year-old female who developed bilateral inguinal hernias in childhood and underwent operation of bilateral inguinal herniotomy at which she was found to have surprise findings of having testes on both sides and the surgeon at that time realised that she was a case of complete androgen insensitive syndrome as she has blind ending vagina and no ovaries and uterus. The surgeon explained the parents that she needs removal of both gonads for cancer risk and repair of inguinal hernias which was successfully treated. While studying at college, she had love with one of his boyfriends and got married. Physical examination showed secondary sex characteristics well developed. The couple had consulted few fertility specialists but their hopes of having the baby was turned down and finally they approached our god fatherly spiritual university teaching hospitals at the fertility clinic, A thorough family pedigree and family history on both sides followed by reviewing all their investigations suggested possibility of having baby via a plan in which she gets an oocyte donation from her sister and the sister of the husband was very keen to provide surrogacy and father’s sperm fertilisation will bring a baby to the lovely aspiring couple. The plan was implemented and a baby girl was delivered at term uneventfully. Warm Regards Laura Harry Editorial Assistant MedPress Publications, USA MedPress Publishers LLC, #08 The Green, STE 5053, Dover, Delaware, USA 19901 Don't like these emails? Unsubscribe or Manage Email Subscriptions Powered By FluentCRM
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