And it's come to this

Saudi Arabia is not feeling .gay

Saudi Arabia has objected to several new global top level domains (gTLD), including .gay, on the basis that they may offend, or promote practices that are counter to their religion. The poofs, on the other hand, counter that .gay is needed for support.

Normally I'd disagree with anything based on religious arguments, simply on principle. But, notwithstanding the fact that support comes from websites within a TLD, rather than from the TLD itself, I object to the misappropriation of perfectly usable words and their use to marginalise gTLD.

There was a time—admittedly, long before I was born—when, like the Flintstones, one could have a gay old time or feel queer without people sniggering. And it's not just words; now anyone named Gaye has to append their introduction with spelled with an e! Parents, what can you do, huh? (embarrassed)

What's wrong with homosexuals having the .homosexual gTLD? Or .arsebandit; .pillowbiter; or .shirtlifter, for that matter?

They might have to fight Matt Groening; 20th Century Fox Television; and the Futurama fanbase for .bender, or the box fillers at Radfords for .fudgepacker. But I doubt that anyone in the tobacco industry would contest their claim to .fag. (oldman)

Flintstones, meet the Flintstones They're the modern stone age family From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history Let's ride with the family down the street Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet When you're with the Flintstones Have a yabba dabba doo time A dabba doo time We'll have a gay old time Hoyt Curtin, Joseph Barbera, William Hanna (1961)