And it's come to this

Symbolic gesture

Lineker mithering to BBC Sport: because football says something so important.

The BBC is sending Gary Lineker, its most highly-paid mouth-breather, to Qatar to watch tosspots kick balls around fields. But, he's not excited by the prospect. Oh no. He's really only going so that he can champion the cause of human rights and raise awareness. Oh yes.

Gary Lineker says he is in Qatar to "report, not support" the World Cup and will discuss the issues surrounding the "tainted" tournament on air.

BBC Sport droid

That's bound to hold the rapt attention of the lads down the pub, as they drink in the sociopolitical ramifications of Lineker's reportage and analysis, along with their lager. Either that, or it'll be taken as an opportunity for a bio-break and getting another round in.

Lineker said there was a "queasy feeling" surrounding the tournament.

BBC Sport droid

Bloody hell, the poor lamb has such a tough time of it, doesn't he? Yet it would be almost disrespectful of him to not go and see for himself what those 37–6,500 migrant labourers died for. Otherwise, their loss will have been in vain, and the Qatari authorities will never be made see the errors of their ways. (rolleyes)

Will somebody please get this man a damp sponge and a can of hairspray?

In his interview, Lineker mithers on about sportswashing. The fact that it continues, while nothing meaningful has changed, goes a long way to illustrating how much impact these cocks really have: none. If they really cared, they'd send a damned sight stronger message by boycotting the tournament altogether. (pipe)

I have another symbolic gesture, for Lineker. (middlefinger)