All's not what it seems

The Queens' Regiment

Gen. Bonkers (retd) claims that Dutch leaders had told him that Srebrenica fell due to openly gay soldiers in the defending Dutch army. So far, so mundane, but this quote from the BBC puzzled me:

Several countries - including Britain, Canada, Australia and Israel - allow gay people to serve openly.

BBC News droid

Does this mean that other countries allow gay people to serve, but only under cover? Or that Britain, Canada, Australia, and Israel allow openly gay people to serve?

And now Gen. Bonkers apologises to the Dutch for their lack of military prowess being related to their soldiers' wrists being too limp to hold anything other than their comrades' penises. It turns out that the high ranking Dutch officer that Bonkers quoted denies ever saying anything of the sort.

To quote Mandy Rice-Davies: well he would, wouldn't he?