I think I've pissed myself

"Time just gets away from us"

Every so often, you come across something that reminds you of the passing of time and old friends…and of your own mortality. Like this comment on the ending of the Coen brothers' True Grit.

Every time, and I mean every single time I watch this, I can't stop the tears. This touched me so much because all of my friends are gone. People I always had the intention of going to see have passed on, now lying in fields of stone. I visit them from time to time, and I leave pennies on their headstones to mark my passing by to visit. There I am, an old fat man sitting next to a lone marker in a forgotten cemetery overgrown with weeds and hardly cared for- carrying on a conversation like old friends do. I hope they can hear me and know how much I miss them. It saddens me to know there will be no pennies left for me when I'm gone. Not one...

Ben Johnson, commenting on True Grit Final Scene


I must get around to watching the film. The final scene deserves it.