The drains have backed up again

Too much too young

While the Catholic League mither over a Muppet Babies episode fostering transitioning among preschoolers, the Scottish government is going all-in once they get to school. It has published guidance for schools on supporting transgender young people; with young people defined as children or young people who are of school age.

School age starts at 4½–5½ years in Scotland.

The new guidance was welcomed by the chief executive of LGBT Youth Scotland, Dr Mhairi Crawford.

BBC News droid

I'm sure it was! Perhaps this is some kind of recruitment drive. Catch 'em while they're young and they'll follow you forever, eh Mhairi? (wink)

But all is not what it seems

I first came across this story from Mark Meechan, on his Count Dankula 2 : Electric Boogaloo channel. He, in turn, referred to an article in the Daily Express(SMH)

The guidance states pupils, from primary school age upwards, can change their gender because recognition and development of gender identity can occur at a young age. They will also be allowed to choose which changing rooms and toilets they use, based on their gender identity.

James Bickerton, Daily Express

As could so easily be predicted, commenters have leapt upon two of the more sensational misconceptions. The first is that children as young as 5-years old will be able to change their gender identity, when they're too young to understand what it means. And, secondly, that information shouldn't be shared with parents.

As far as I can tell, and I haven't read it in depth, the Scottish government's guidance makes provision to support children if and when they do start to question their gender, presumably during their teens. The recommendation to not disclose information to parents came from an LGBT Youth Scotland proposal, but doesn't appear to have been carried over to the government's guidance.

As always, reality is more prosaic than the gutter press. Still, it's all worthy of a good old froth! (LOL)