It's all gone to shit

Trailer trial

Two fans of Ana de Armas are suing Universal Pictures. They contend that they were duped into renting the film Yesterday, believing that she would feature in it. But, although she appeared in the trailer, her role was removed from the film's final release.

The complainants, Conor Woulfe and Peter Rosza, are 38 and 44 years old, so they should know better, really. The fact that, at that age, anyone would watch a film solely based on a given actor's appearance, to the extent that their non-appearance could so belittle their enjoyment, is really sad. More so that they'd admit it to the world at large. That's sad as in pathetic, not as in heartbreaking. These are, supposedly, grown adult males—I hesitate to call them men—not teenaged girlies.

Or perhaps they just spotted an opportunity for a little legal grifting. The cost of rental? $3.99 each. The damages claimed? $5M, on behalf of all affected viewers. Presumably that doesn't include the ones who were able to get over it. (rolleyes)

Besides, who could be so naive as to think that trailers are representative of the final release?