Will this madness never end?

What's a rom?

Com con: If this really is the best of Bros, I don't think it's very funny.

Bros is a romcom that mixes up a dying genre with a same-sex relationship. Judging by the excruciating trailer though, it appears to be light on the com. So I guess that makes it a rom then.

Its star; co-writer; and executive producer, Billy Eichner, has derided audiences who stayed away in droves as homophobic weirdos.* On the other hand, the trailer seems to be tailored towards heterophobic weirdos. Yet Eichner rails that hardly anyone went to see his magnum opus. Strange. (shrug)

Something that he's overlooked is that romcoms predominantly appeal to women, many of whom project the princess's journey onto themselves; seeing themselves in that fantasy, as it were. That becomes a major problem when the princess in question sports a beard and uses the men's room in a bar. Jus' sayin' is all.

I know, call me crazy, but perhaps he should've made a film that people would actually want to watch, and promoted it accordingly. Instead, he made a film for himself and a teeny-tiny audience, and then tried to gaslight the public into going to see it in theatres. I'm not sure that such a strategy has ever been successful; I could be wrong though.

Anyway, the film's ending includes what could be seen as a comment on Florida's House Bill 1557, Parental Rights in Education—which has been widely misrepresented by smooth-brained mouth-breathers in the mainstream and social media as Don't Say Gay. As such, this is politicking in the guise of entertainment, which is no different to propaganda really. And, for that alone, the film richly deserves its well-earned commercial failure. (oldman)

* Okay, what he actually tweeted was Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight! Which amounts to the same difference, really. I'm not going to bother listing the films with homosexual themes or major characters that those same homophobic wierdos did go to see. Suffice to say it doesn't support his narrative.

Bros (I) (2022)5/10 Not What I Was Expecting 3 October 2022 I went to the cinema with some of the guys from my local bar. We are all mens men who like to drink beer, eat steak, and have sex with women! We like to watch sports and play darts and have sex with women! We also like to smoke cigars and play poker and have sex with women!!! So after a friendly game of 5 a side we decide to go to the cinema to watch a movie. When we got to the cinema we saw the list of movies and there was this film called Bros, so we thought well that must be right up our alley, we're bros, this movie is called Bros, what could possibly go wrong? Well this movie is actually extremely gay! And I'm not trying to be insulting, me and the boys are very progressive, we support the LGBT movement and their war in Ukraine, but it is just not what we were expecting to see. Kenny and Colin seemed to enjoy it, but they are more cultured than the rest of us, but the rest of us were very uncomfortable, here we were ten sweaty men in a cinema watching a homosexual love story, that doesn't look good, what if word were to get around town, we'd be the laughing stock of Milton Keynes. I'm not trying to be insulting to homosexuals as people, four of us drive hybrids, so it's not about discrimination, we may be bros, but we're not bullies, if homosexuals want to have gay sex in the privacy of their own street, then who are we to stop them? I believe that our grandfathers died in WW2 fighting for these freedoms, but I really wish the movie had done a better job of marketing so that unfortunate mixups like this didn't happen. To be fair the film was very funny, but maybe if this had been a lesbian story about two hot women then this might have been more accessible to lads like us (just something the creators might want to think about) but there was a lot of homosexuality in this, right in your face, it was so intense that Colin and Kenny had to leave and go to the bathroom several times, just to get a break to cool off, they would be away for about 20 minutes at a time, but seemed relaxed and refreshed when they returned, just to get all hot and bothered and have to leave again. So by all means go and see this movie, I hope people do, it will really put Putin in his place, but be aware that it is not a movie about mischievous frat guys beating up nerds and banging sorority girls, like we were expecting, it is actually a gay love story (man gay, not girl gay) and it does contain a heck of a lot of homosexuality.

chrischanwasframed, Bros, IMDb

I hope Kenny and Colin got home okay.