Most of it's boring

Wot you lookin' at?

Those sons of fun at the USAsian FBI plan to develop—or, rather, have developed for them—a handy-dandy tool that will sniff its way through social networks and suck up all the terrorist plots. Certain keywords that are only used by bad people plotting naughtiness can be added. These will trigger the hairs on the backs of their necks, and bring their righteous wrath down on the sorry arses of Osama and his like-minded friends.

Except not Osama, coz he's dead. Or is he? Perhaps he just closed his Facebook account.

Obviously, the limp-wristed liberals are all a'dither about this. But, hey, if naughty people use obvious keywords while planning their shenanigans in public, whose fault is it? All you have to do, so as not to overload the system with irrelevant finds, is not to use naughty words in your posts. Ever!

Remember, kids, they're doing this for your benefit.

jihad; gangs; smallpox; anthrax; leak; recall; 2600; 9/11; bomb; riot; Allahu Akbar; terrorism; attack; Pentagon; Washington; president; Barack Obama; homeland security; FBI; Muhammed; White House