The drains have backed up again

You tell 'em Nige!

Nigel Farage, MEP for the United Kingdom Independence Party, has launched a tirade against the grey mouse, Herman Van Rompuy, the President of the European Council. Go get 'em tiger!

Nigel Farage, who leads UK Independence Party (UKIP) MEPS in the European parliament, said Herman Van Rompuy had "the charisma of a damp rag". He compared the former Belgian prime minister to a "low-grade bank clerk" and said he came from a "non-country". The attack, which stunned the chamber, came as Mr Van Rompuy made his maiden appearance in parliament in Brussels. "I don't want to be rude," Mr Farage began, before launching into a personal attack lasting several minutes. "Who are you? I'd never heard of you, nobody in Europe had ever heard of you," Mr Farage thundered, as noisy disapproval at his intervention in the chamber rose.

BBC News droid

Don't you just love it when someone says I don't mean to be rude before doing just that?

But, having seen how the eureaucracy works first hand, I think he's bang on point. The leadership of the EU is not democratically elected by the populace. It's largely determined by political gamesmanship, and drawn from a pool of bargain-basement technocratic nonentities with personality bypasses.

If they weren't already there, I'd send the whole bloody lot to Brussels.

image of a grey man (Herman Van Rompuy)
Grey mouse.
image of a grey mouse
Herman Van Rompuy.