It's all gone to shit

Elementary, my dear Holmes

Finally, ten months after being found guilty of fraud, Elizabeth Holmes is to be sentenced for her role in the Theranos scam. The prosecution is asking for fifteen years in prison, as well as recompensing investors to the tune of a cool $803M. For their part, her defence is seeking an insanely lenient eighteen months under house arrest.

Holmes herself hasn't commented on her plan B. She has in the past apparently expressed the view that pretty people don't go to jail; but, if that's all there is to it, then I'd say she's fucked.

"She preyed on hopes of her investors", Assistant US Attorney Robert Leach said.

James Clayton, North America technology reporter, BBC News

Actually, she preyed on their credulity and greed. (pipe)

photo of Elizabeth Holmes
Not pretty enough to skip jail.

Bitch's going down! Betty's gonna be holed up for over eleven years, minus any shitznitz for the almost predictable legal shenanigans.

[mighty fist pump]