Peruvian poverty

The BBC home page has a link to a story on the ousting of Peru's president, Pedro Castillo. Except the link (right) refers to
Peru president
, although the article's headline does correct the error (top).
The story ends with links to three related articles, each repeating the same error (below).
I've noted this grammatical sloppiness before, and promised not to harp on about it in future. But in this case I think I can see where the BBC's editorial team is coming from. And I sympathise.
The proper use of Canadian
to describe someone or something belonging to or hailing from from Canada adds two letters, and extends the adjective by less than 35%. Peruvian
, however, adds four letters, which is an increase of 100% over Peru
. Clearly, as the BBC moves from reliance on the British licence payers' largesse to a leaner-and-meaner cost structure, savings have to be made. Those electron thingies don't just pay for themselves, y'know. (pipe)
Nevertheless, we have to conclude that the English language just isn't that important within the hallowed walls of MostTrustedInternationalNewsBroadcaster Towers. At least they don't lay claim to being the world's most trusted English language reference. So there's that, I suppose. (shrug)

Yes, I am being sarcastic.