I think I've pissed myself


image of China and Winnie the Pooh with CENSORED across his face The Critical Drinker / Will Jordan
Unspecified virus of unknown origin.

Whether the WuFlu originated from wildlife at a market or a laboratory is probably a moot point to most people. We know it originated somewhere in Wuhan, there's a clue in the name, and that's all that really matters.

Various US agencies have come to conclusions, of varying degrees of certainty, that the virus originated in a laboratory. Even the WHO, which originally nixed such an idea, has reopened its collective mindset.

But the dog-eaters are having none of it:

"Certain parties should stop rehashing the 'lab leak' narrative, stop smearing China and stop politicising origins-tracing," said foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning.

Max Matza, BBC News

But why? It's fun; it pisses off—and on—President Pooh. Besides, while we all know as much as is needed of the truth, China still insists on blowing hot air; they probably consider it a dishonour on their fetid shithole, and that's fine by me.

In retaliation, Chinese propagandists have tried to throw shade, by claiming that the virus originated in a US laboratory. Specifically, Fort Detrick, which was engaged in the US biological weapons programme, and now hosts virus research on ebola and smallpox.

That's a bit of a reach. Especially when the Wuhan Institute of Virology is within 15km of Huanan Seafood Market, claimed by some to be the source of the outbreak. The subject of research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Why, nothing other than coronavirus. (shock)

Je suis choqué! Personne n'a dit ça, jamais.

Oooh, how rare, Max's article's been silently edited. The foreign ministry dog-eater's statement that I quoted earlier has been removed, to be replaced with this watered-down version:

"The conclusions they have reached have no credibility to speak of," said Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning.

Max Matza & Nicholas Yong, BBC News


An earlier translation error, perhaps? Or has fearless Washington-based Max been censored by his Singapore-based colleague? And is this what we should expect from the world's most trusted international news broadcaster™, as it reports on stories from around the world fairly, impartially and without fear or favour? (thinking)

No matter, the Wayback Machine has my back. And Nicholas earns a special recognition award.