Bitches bitch'n'

Racist sweatpants

In support of my earlier observation, that people don't know the meaning of racist, comes a report of the Balenciaga fashion house facing criticism, for nothing more than a $1,190 (£860) pair of sweatpants it sells rips off black culture.

The Trompe L'Oeil pants feature a built-in pair of boxer shorts peeking out from the waistband, mimicking a style popularised by hip hop musicians. A TikTok post which called the pants racist was viewed 1.6m times and black culture experts have raised concerns.

Daniel Thomas, business reporter, BBC News

Admittedly, the claim that this cultural appropriation feels racist originates from a mouth-breather on TikTok. So, the intellectual barrier is already set low.

But no one appears to be fazed by the price tag. Nor by the fact that the same effect can be achieved all-too-easily, with already-available off-the-peg clothing, at a fraction of the cost. (SMH)

Nobody complains about cultural appropriation of trousers/pants by blacks, though, do they? Funny, that. (thinking)