Bitches bitch'n'


BBC headline: “Mona Lisa: Protesters throw soup at da Vinci painting”There must be something about artworks mounted behind protective glass that stirs the passions of environmental protesters into throwing things. Do you really have to be a cynic to think that they're only after publicity without risk of causing any actual damage to the works themselves, and thereby to their cause? A cheap, low-energy, low-stakes publicity grab, as it were.

This time, the target was Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa in the Louvre. And this time, it was sustainable food activists who were throwing soup. Oh, the irony; they may not have thought this one through.

Our correspondent doesn't go so far as to identify the soup in question. But, providing it wasn't Heinz cream of tomato, then it would be no loss really. That is as long as sustainability in food supply isn't near and dear to your heart.

After all, food wastage isn't very sustainable, is it?

An invisible stealth update informs us that it was only pumpkin soup. So no real loss.

Don't misunderstand me, I like pumpkin soup. But it's not Heinz cream of tomato.