It's all gone to shit

No shit guv'nor

BBC headline: Bank governor warns firms raising prices ‘hurts people’
The comments commies section is open!

In what can only be described as a big-brained moment, the governor of the Bank of England has warned that raising retail prices could drive up the cost of living and would most affect the least wealthy. No fucking shit! This must be why he earns the big bucks, having insight like that. (SMH)

And yet the Bank had already increased interest rates to their highest in over a decade. I'm no financial expert—just ask my wife—but wouldn't that also be expected to increase the cost of living? I'm not suggesting he's a hypocrite, just that it sounds like do as I say, not as I do. (confused)

Most intriguingly, this BBC story represents one of the rare occasions when commenting is enabled. And, predictably enough, the Trotskyite malcontents took the opportunity for a good old grumble: Tory government corruption; corporate profiteering; and Brexit probably. Honestly, a cynic might conclude that the pinkos at the People's Republic of Portland Place only select stories for commenting when they can be sure of a good old leftist whinge-fest.

Strangely enough, open comments weren't enabled on Marianna Spring's recent whinge-piece and its limp-wristed follow-up. (thinking)