Representation, arse
Apropos of nothing in particular, just getting this down, really.
The vogue for inserting DivErSitY AnD InCLuSiOn
™ into entertainment culture often devolves into tokenised representation—or overrepresentation in some cases—degenerating into simply replacing or diminutising established white and male characters, rather than developing relatable new ones and compelling stories. It's lazy, cynical, and shallow. And it belittles the newly represented minority characters as second-hand cast-offs or leftovers.
Diversity can work; but it works best when done thoughtfully without drawing attention to itself, when it's natural and organic. Unfortunately, it's been hijacked by social agendas; identity politics; self-righteous virtue signalling; and, above all, bargain-basement creative talent. I'm not sure whether the people behind it genuinely believe they're edgy or visionary, are in it for the clout, or are simply lacking awareness.
Narcissists and the emotionally fragile need the validation of seeing themselves represented in works of popular fiction. Normal people, however, can relate to characters that don't represent them directly, and simply enjoy a work for what it is. Creators should be creative; but that requires imagination, and perhaps that's just expecting too much of hacktivists
As a kid, two of my favourite comic characters were Black Panther and Silver Surfer.
I hide it well, but I'm not black, and I never have been. If I even have an inner Negro, he has two left feet and can't jump. Black Panther didn't represent me; what he did represent, though, was a compelling character. Silver Surfer's story was just bloody cool; cool to look at, and cool to read. Anyone who sees themself represented by the character though, probably needs counselling.
If a superhero represented me, he'd be white, male, balding, and on the tubby side. His superpower would be abject monotony. Dressed in beige or a nicely understated grey, Dullman would defeat his adversaries through the force of utter tedium. Once he's sucked all of the joy out of their lives, they're incapacitated by despondency. His alter-ego would be far racier, though; he wears quite an interesting tie, and has a middle management role within the finance sector. His love interest is a pair of slippers…best not to ask, really.
Who on earth would want to see that? I bloody wouldn't.